Tropical Cake Boutique Short animation by Ben Wheele
Synopsis: A cake boutique employee interviews a couple of applicants for the job, but he isn t too impressed by their bizarre, magical Universally given the coldshoulder by film festivals worldwide, here is Tropical Cake Boutique, the short animation I made in my first year at RCA in 2010. (I wish they d given it the the tropicalshoulder). Anyway, I possibly went a little bit too far with this about a guy who hates disabled people, (alarm but because of equal opportunities, he is forced to interview them for a job at a tropical cake sounds good right I really like antiheroes, you see, and I thought it would be a good chance to introduce a bit of pathos at the end. Pathos within absurdity it s my nectar. The lip sync is a bit uncannyvalleyweird, but that was probably the point. I It was animated using Anime