Single Leg Step Down for VMO strengthening and knee pain, Feat. Tim Keeley, No. 3, Physio REHAB
, stepdown, vmostrengthening, kneepain, singleleg Presented by Tim Keeley Principal Physiotherapist. This exercise is one of the best for rehabilitation of knee injuries and knee pain where the VMO and Gluteus medius are weak. It can easily be done incorrectly so here is a step by step guide with tips for patellofemoral pain and anterior knee pain problems as well as options to advance the exercise to build stability, strength and endurance. Physiotherapy Clinic: Telehealth Online Video Physio Consults: Online Injury, Surgery, Mobility + Strength Rehab programs: Face2face and Online Courses for Allied Health Professionals: Physio Fitness, Physio REHAB, Facebook: Instagram: