How To Stop Wasting Your Life
Thanks to Lingopie for sponsoring today s video. The first 100 people to click the link will receive a 7 day free trial and an amazing 65 discount on their annual description: Time is a really interesting concept for me, although I am sure the majority of us take interest in it. The fact that all of my best moments in my life have already past and I cant get them back, but that I can wait for the future to get some more. Or that I have spent approximately 192, 000 hours on earth, but I widdle the jist of it down to a oneminute segment when asked who I am. We all fear time and how short our life really is, yet we waste so much of it on the wrong things: accomplishments just for bragging rights, spending it with people we dont love, stressing over the things we cannot change. A lot of us wish away our life saying ill be happy when. .. instead of looking at the things we can be happy about right now. How I rea