Soviet Titanic ship Admiral Nakhimov 1986
Dear friends. Since ancient times, sea disasters have been a very heartbreaking spectacle, and one should not forget about them, or rather about those who died in these disasters On August 31, 1986, in the city of Novorossiysk in the Tsemesskaya bay, the liner crashed in connection with a collision with the dry cargo ship Pyotr Vasev passenger liner Admiral Nakhimov. At midnight, from a strong blow to the starboard side, the ship sank in just 8 minutes, carrying with it more than 400 passengers, including women, men and children. Until now, this disaster is kept secret. The official version of the tragedy is the carelessness of the two captains and the failure of the radar. Friends, I started this project because I want the history of the liner and the history of these unfortunate passengers not to be forgotten I found a lot of information about the interior decoration, rare blueprints and little by little I will recreate the liner and post it for everyone to see. The project was launched in October 2021 a