Getting Dressed in 7th Century Britain
A woman dresses in the fashion of Anglo Saxon East Anglia, to attend an important funeral. Anglo Saxon woman: Sarah Cliffe Funeral guests: Judith Jones, Steve Jones Rædwald of East Anglia: Neil Parker Director: Nicole Loven Costumier: Pauline Loven Voiceover: Nicole Loven Beowulf reading: Philip Stevens Makeup: Oliver Helm Music: Gaia by KylePreston Set construction: Keith Loven Tabletwoven braid Penelope Lydiate Location: The Saxonhouse Thanks to: David Clayton, Adam Daubney, Steve Jones, Judith Jones, Keith Loven This video, like all Crows Eye Productions works, is protected by copyright under the UK Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 and internationally under the Berne Copyright Convention. It may not be reproduced or adapted, in whole or in part, without the written permission of Crows Eye Productions.