Alon Landa Younger
It takes a long time to become young (Pablo Picasso). I was driving in my car one day, talking with a friend of mine about music, life and some other stuff, and he said; If youre over 30 and havent made it, its over. And I remember thinking, wow what a wasteful way to look at life. I feel exactly the opposite Im only just beginning explore this wild ride, to share my gifts with the world And this song came to me, like a mantra: I aint getting any younger, but Im getting better, better at living this life. Because we are born young, free, open to life, then we get all these ideas and rules and truths put in our head. And it takes a long time, and lots of work, to start liberating ourselves from these ideas, to get back to the source, and become young again. It took me 31 years and a cancer tumor to start becoming young, to truly start celebrating this life, and since then I feel like I am getting a little younger every single day. I hope this song helps others feel the same. MUCH LOVE