Ablaye Cissoko Soutouro Le Griot Rouge 2005
Ablaye Cissoko Soutouro music from album Le Griot Rouge 2005 Abonnez vous à la chaine, subscribe to channel Itunes: Amazon Mp3: Amazon Cd album: Recorded in 2005 by Patrick Faubert, Agence Ramdam in St Louis (Senegal) at Hotel Mermoz First released in 2005 on album LE GRIOT ROUGE (Ma Case Records) SOUTOURO (Le secret du singe, The Secret of the Monkey) Lyrics and music by Ablaye Cissoko (FR) Tu penses que tu es le plus grand, Oh non tout ce qui est debout tombera un jour . Soutouro décrit l action d aider une personne dans le besoin, mais en restant discret et humble. C est le secret du singe (ENG) You think you re the greatest, oh no everything that is standing will fall one day. Soutouro describes the action to help a person in need, but remaining discr