Kleopatra beach ( Sedir adasi). Rating 6. 9 out of 10 points
Kleopatra beach (Sedir adasi). Rating 6. 9 out of 10 points. Video without blogger s faces and voices. Comparison of beaches in terms of beauty, convenience, safety and climate on a 10point scale 6. 9 The average score for the four items is calculated 1. Aesthetic perception of the beach 8 The average score is calculated for the following two subitems: 1. 1 The beauty of beaches is measured from 0 points when it is unpleasant to look at the beach to 10 points near the most beautiful beaches in the world 7 1. 2 The visual clarity of the beach and the transparency of the water 9 2. The comfort of the beach 5 The average score is calculated for the following two subitems: 2. 1. Comfort for feet when moving on the beach barefoot, when entering the water and when swimming is measured from 0 points when it is impossible without the risk of getting hurt to step on the surface up to 10 points with a firm gently sloping fine sandy descent 6 2. 2. Balance between the availability of recreation infrastruc