Check out Unison Sound Doctor : FREE FLP OF THIS PROJECT AT 1000 Likes , osheen, FLStudio These videos are just a Deconstruction or Break Down of tracks I make and are NOT ACTUALLY MADE IN FEW MINUTES, it took a lot of work. These videos are not from scratch but it will give you a brief idea on how to replicate the music, patterns and effects. You can download the FLP to explore even more. Feel free to use my FLP in your own projects (after giving proper credits). Leave a thumbs up and subscribe for more such REMAKE IN MINUTES TUTORIALS (full playlist on my channel) Support the channel, buy me a beer via PAY PAL: About me: OSHEEN NOOB PRODUCER FROM INDIA Instagram: Facebook: Twitter: Sound Cloud: Since you are reading this, you obviously wanted to know more. Well, follow me on Instagram as I always reply there. Also, comment descriptionSquad and let people wonder why you wrote that. MADE ON FL STUDIO 20, RECORDED IN BANDICAM