Unloved Number in my phone (official video)
Directed by ravenviolent Cinematography by katjastuckrath Editing: katjastuckrath ravenviolent Color Grading: skiappa Costume: castielblue Makeup hair: loulesage Number in my phone was written from a moment of missing my mother so much after she left this world. That moment when it dawns on you that you still have their number in your phone, even a voice mail, even as it pains you to see it, hear it, it feels too good to have, impossible to let go. So you listen. And maybe never delete the number. This is how it is for me, and maybe for you. The voice you hear at the end of Number in my phone is my Mama. We invited our fans to share clips and voice recordings to honour the people we love and miss through a music video dedicated to them. Special thanks, ever so much, to everyone who shared their beautiful memories with us. I dont know what to say. How do you say thank you for something so so intimate and del br, br,