FRONTOCEAN BMX Italy: Vans The Circle 2021, DIG BMX
VOTE HERE : . VOTE for your favourite team and your chance to win a pair of Vans Courage Adams signature SlipOn BMX style shoes. Italy s Frontocean store come through with an awesome entry to Vans The Circle. Full of excellent spots, a heavy squad and a wild banger. Featuring: Simone Barraco: simobarraco Matteo Vitali: teobmx Mattia Cazzola: mattiacazzola Beniamin Crismariu: beniamincrismariu Christian Ceresato: christianceresato Devid Saija: saijadevid Filmer: Matteo Baudracco baudi Photographer, Additional filmer: Mattia Lussana mattialussana In conjunction with , , Subscribe to the DIG channel for more videos Download the DIG BMX APP: Visit our website for more BMX videos Facebook www.