Rosegarden Funeral Party Messages by ( TAKE COVER 6)
Rosegarden Funeral Party covers Messages by Orchestral Maneuvers in the Dark. The video was heavily inspired by Orchestral Maneuvers in the Dark s video for Enola Gay. This cover features the talents of Vera Vicious Velma Hernandez, living legend punk rock photographer, on bass guitar. Video directed, filmed, and edited by Erin Devany of All Hallows productions. Music recorded, mixed, and mastered by Michael Briggs at Civil Audio in Denton, TX. Take Cover is a series of in studio covers by Rosegarden Funeral Party. In each episode of this video series, the band covers a song or songs by an artist that has heavily influenced the band along side a featured guest musician(s). In this strange time of distance and isolation, we hope these videos provide some sentiment of future hope.