From the Vault: Vz 61 Škorpion Machine Pistol
Brownells Gun Tech and resident firearm historian Keith Ford has another treat for us: showandtell with his Czech Vz 61 Škorpion. The Vz 61 is a blowbackoperated machine pistol chambered in. 32 ACP (aka 7. 65mm Browning). It is not a downsized submachinegun, so machine pistol is the correct term for it like the Russian Stechkin or Polish PM63 RAK. Although made by CZ (Česká zbrojovka), the Vz 61 Škorpion is not related to the current CZ Scorpion Evo 3. It sports the most skeletal of folding stocks, a trigger group surprisingly similar to the AR15 s, and a dual recoilspring operating system that s VERY similar to the AR180, BRN180 system. While the standard Škorpion is a selectfire gun, Keith s is semiauto only. The Vz 61 was in production from 1961 to 1979 and served with the Czechoslovakian army and security services. It also found its way into the hands of the PLO, the Red Army Faction (also known as the BaaderMeinhof Gang), and the Irish Repub