of Montreal Marijuanas A Working Woman OFFICIAL MUSIC VIDEO
Listen, Buy: Marijuana s A Working Woman is taken from of Montreal s new album, Freewave Lucifer fck fck fck, out July 29, 2022 via Polyvinyl Records. Original Artwork by David Barnes Animation by Madeline Babuka Black Lyrics: in the sensory overload chamber massage the android until it turns on die once every three minutes, something to look forward to throughout your day when people ask me my gender I just tell them brunette oh their brains are on peroxide, phony pride speaks only when it shouldve cried naifs in decay return into TV, depression stunned celebs who are suborning people who need people to get in your face catalog a new low and England is rife with lurchers a jasmine chorus of mountain cur, she loves her Bowieeyed bat faced girl the shadows attempt on my life, autumn breaks its back for new hauntings we saw the White Witch of Gle