199 Travel by art, Ep. 71: Parc des rapides, Montreal, Canada ( Watercolor Landscape Tutorial)
Michael Solovyev. Parc des rapides, Montreal, Canada. From the photo made by the author. DANIELSMITHArtistColor watercolor paints on Saunders Waterford 300 gsm Rough paper, 15x15 inches, EscodaBarcelona. Today we re going to paint a landscape. It s just 1015 minutes from my house and it s really a beautiful place. But this is a real challenge, because there is no sunlight and everything is flat. And there are no shapes, no space, no sketch by pencil. So, let s try to create a painting out of nothing. Join our project, Travel by Art, where you can submit your photographs for a chance for them to become watercolors For more information about the project and the rules, visit If you enjoy this video, please leave a like and subscribe to the channel For online courses, watercolor materials, videos with subtitles, Facebook and Instagram profiles, paintings for sale, Zoom demo and workshop schedules, and much more, ex