Hansard Issue Title Is Off The Track AKA On The Record (1944)
Part of issue OFF THE TRACK, aka ON THE RECORD. London. L, S Westminster Bridge. L, S of bombed out ruins of church. L, S of Big Ben clock. Various shots of clerks Hansard Reporters writing official reports in Press Gallery at Westminster Palace. Various shots of Hansard reporter dictating his shorthand notes to a typist in a noise proof cubicles. Various shots of men at work in Hansard editorial office. We see editor, Percy F Cole, at his desk. The Hansard report copy taken to printers. We see printer using lino type machine. The copy is then sent along a tube to the proof reader s office. Various shots of printing press at work. The printed pages are assembled in correct order, bound and trimmed. C, U of latest copy of Hansard report addressed to Prime Minister Winston Churchill. C, U of exHansard editor Mr. Cornelius at work in officer. Various C, Us of historic speeches recorded in Hansard. We see extracts from Gladstone, John Bright and Churchill s We shall fight them on the beaches