Happy Mondays Tart Tart
Happy Mondays Tart Tart, originally from the Squirrel and GMan Twenty Four Hour Party People Plastic Face Carnt Smile (White Out) album (1987), produced by John Cale. My personal favorite, and quite possibly one of the best songs the Mondays ever recorded. Video taken from the Pills n Thrills special edition CD, DVD. Many sources describe how the first verse is about Martin Hannett leaving factory records (Tony Wilson describes it on the 24 Hour Party People DVD commentary). As for the second, this is taken from Bez Freaky Dancing : Tart Tart was the single that was goin to make us massive. It was a personal favourite of mine an I was counfounded as to why it didn t do better than it did. It was met with pretty decent reviews, but maybe the public needed a little longer to acquire the taste for X s growlin, cryptic lyrics an the rawness of the musical accompaniment. I had a special affinity for the tune because of the refere