Yoga To Ease Into The Day, Full Body 20 Minute Morning Yoga Flow
Feel relaxed and more in tune with your body and mind through this dynamic morning yoga flow. The class begins with a standing warmup of side bends, forward folds, twists and cat, cows. The main sequence includes chair, warrior II, extended side angle, reverse warrior, triangle, revolved triangle, pyramid, high lunge and widelegged forward fold with eagle arms. Practice butterfly, reverse plank, seated forward fold + twists as a cooldown. The class ends with a 2minute seated reflection. Enjoy music with this practice. I hope you love the class Let me know in the comments how it leaves you feeling. Be sure to download the Jess Yoga app for more exclusive practices. See you on the mat Much love x Jess MOBILE APP Practice with me adfree gain access to the 21day OPEN YOUR HEART backbend course, 15day MORNING yoga, 7day FLEXIBILITY + 10day TONE course even more exclusive classes on