History Of Kitana Mortal Kombat 11 ( REMASTERED)
Hey guys Welcome to another Mortal Kombat 11 video Now to celebrate the amazing reveal of Kitana on yesterdays Kombat Kast, I wanted to remaster the old History Of Kitana video and give you all a product that If both up to date and tightly edited then It predecessor. When I was making this video I really did want give you all an Indepth breakdown and analysis of the tragedy of Edenia and the struggles Kitana has had to deal with growing up without Sindel, I believe Its an extremely important aspect of her character as It solidifies the hardships shes had to overcome from game to game Kitana has always been an iconic face In the series so I really do hope you hardcore fans of the character enjoy this analysis and breakdown of her entire history I must admit although I ve never been a SUPER Kitana fan I ve always appreciated her appearances In game and the cool flashy moveset she bring, BUT I do have to say her MK11 incarnation most certainl