( Remaster of an older video) Walking tour in Omsk, Siberia, Russia. Riverside. +37 C
this is a remaster of an older video, i ve fixed lights and somewhat improved colors, because original footage was pretty dull and was my first experiments with recording on this phone. if you watched it, rewatching won t make much sense :). old video is here: Just a walking tour in Omsk, Siberia, Russia at It s a part of the riverside from Circus station to Pushkin s Library station. The temperature was +37c which mean two things, first a lot of people were on the beaches and second is that my phone was getting overheated all the time, so i had to stitch lots of video fragments :). And yes, my skin got burnt as well because it took about 4 hours to walk the 90mins of the video with all the pauses of the phone cooling down :). PS. Sorry for the quality, it s just a phone camera. :). this is reupload after a hell lot of editing in a video editor trying to make it look better. you might thi