DAWN (던) 던디리던 ( DAWNDIDIDAWN) ( Feat. Jessi) Dance Cover by THE HIVE from FRANCE
HELLO GUYZ , Dawn, DAWNDIDIDAWN, thehivedancecrew Here goes our lastest dance cover in collaboration with Cocoon Dance Crew We really hope you ll like it BEES AURION as Dawn DEELAN (deelanld) SADA (sada0896) TYO (tyo972) JUBI From Genius Crew (juberttesz) LORENZO from Elixir Crew SAMUEL from Risin Crew (chashiizzz) BUTTERFLIES LAETI as Jessi (chunghastic) MIA (miaajuicy) NELIA LORE (lorenxgmz) OPHE (nanitebayo) Filmed by Yocaste (justyocaste) Edited by Aurion YOU CAN FOLLOW US The Hive AUDITIONS