Updating OLD Warhammer 40k No more waiting for Games Workshop
In this video I am making my OWN new releases. Why wait for Games Workshop when its so fun and easy to convert your own models I made some Primaris Sanguinary Guard to defend the honour of my Blood Angels army and had a blast doing it. If you want to support the channel, please use the links below PATREON: MATERIALS USED (Links support the channel with a small commission at no extra cost to you ) AMAZON: Camera (Canon Rebel SL2): USA: Microphone (Blue Yeti): USA: Neewer Motorized Camera Slider: USA: Sculpey Oven Bake Clay: USA: Milliput 2 part epoxy putty USA: Green Stuff 2 part epoxy putty USA: Silicone Sculpting Tools USA: Send me a message for inquiries about promotions or commissions: EMAIL ericshobbyworks