Woman Narrowly Escapes Murder; Saved By Earth Angels After Incurring NDE
SUBMIT YOUR NDE Mary McDermott had a terrifying incident and a harrowing escape from a murderer, during which she experienced a near death experience where she got a glimpse of where our spirits may go in the afterlife. EXCLUSIVE NDE INTERVIEWS ON PATREON LISTEN TO THE SHOW (PODCAST) iTunes: Spotify: SUBMIT YOUR NDE LISTEN TO SKYLINE YouTube: Spotify: Apple Music: , nde, neardeathexperience, neardeathexperiences near death experiences Life After Death Afterlife NDE BACKGROUND MUSIC licensed through AudioJungle Epidemic Sound FOOTAGE licensed through VideoBlocks and Filmpac, except parts about the topic that have been used under fair use. Disclaimer: This video is taken from an interview by us and our channel, not taken from another channel, and it is all original content.