Turandot Sing Off, The best 7 Turandots in history battle it out
1. Anne Roselle (1927) 2. Bianca Scacciati (1930), with Francesco Merli 3. Eva Turner (1937), with Giovanni Martinelli 4. Gina Cigna (1938), with Anne Roselle (1927) 2. Bianca Scacciati (1930), with Francesco Merli 3. Eva Turner (1937), with Giovanni Martinelli 4. Gina Cigna (1938), with Francesco Merli 5. Maria Pedrini (1954), with Ken Neate 6. Gertrude GrobPrandl (1958), with Gastone Limarilli 7. Birgit Nilsson (1965), with Bruno Prevedi Turandot is most probably the hardest role for a dramatic soprano. Nobody today can sing a decent Turandot. Not included: Sutherland (poor pronunciation, unidiomatic singing), Lehmann (she sounds way too nice and warm), Callas (that live recording is a fake and the studio is no good), Marton (yelling most of the time), Dimitrova (stentorian and monotonous), Caballé (no comment) and many others who cannot compare to the 7 sopranos included. A pity there is no recording of Maria Jeritza.