Why tamping , Plasser Theurer Technology
Tamping tines pack the ballast under the sleeper to produce a stable sleeper bed. Plasser Theurer developed a mechanised technique for this purpose: the system of nonsynchronous constant pressure tamping which in professional circles is regarded as pioneering and unequalled in quality. The tamping tines penetrate the ballast bed from above and compact the ballast under the sleeper with a squeezing movement. Two factors are decisive here. Firstly, all tamping tines work with the same pressure; and secondly, the tamping tines vibrate with the ideal frequency of exactly 35 Hz. This directional, linear vibration combined with the nonsynchronous tine movement produces a homogeneously compacted ballast bed. , plassertheurer, tamping, tutorial, innovationforyou SUBSCRIBE to Plasser Theurer on YouTube: EXPERIENCE the world of Plasser Theurer: JOIN P T RAILCLUB the club for rail workers: ptrailcl