Cat Massage, Cat Reaction, Oriental Shorthair Cat
Cat massage is very beneficial for cat s health It can improve humancat contact and create a warmer relationship Look at the cat reaction during the massage, it should be comfortable for the cat Oriental shorthair cat Rexton loves massage so much and he is ready to enjoy it all day long Click Like and subscribe to my channel Thanks for watching The channel of my friend oriental cat Gesha The mobile gimbal stabilizer I use My social networks: Instagram TikTok Facebook Twitter Likee , orientalcat, orientalshorthair, ориентальнаякошка, ориентальныйкот, blackorientalcat , orientalcat, orientalshorthair, ориентальнаякошка, ориентальныйкот, blackorientalcat, catmassage Cat Massage, Cat Reaction, Oriental Shorthair Cat