She s Too Good For Everyone Break Originals
Lyrics Oh here she comes, its miss too good for everyone Hot since the seventh grade, mean as a snake in a knot Not just some pretty girl, shes muy en fuego She knows it, she ought to, shes told at least ten times a day But lets look inside, nothing but poison air Blackened heart, barely beats, blue blood throughout her facade Thinks she owns the world, treats people badly Someone should take a stand, someone should tell her shes awful But not me, not me Cause I think that I might have a chance Now Ill do things for you, just like the other guys Debase myself in the tragic hope that it will Make you desire me, through my obedience What have you made me become and why dont I feel shame Yes Ill watch your dog, really no trouble at all Yes Ill help you move, into another mans house Just remember Im always there in a pinch Shoulder to cry on or possibly kiss on the mouth Let me buy you drinks, overpriced flavored martinis Of various sizes in so many hues Yeah, Ill hold your purse, Ill just