Ready For It ft Charlize Glass Taylor Swift, Brian Friedman Choreography, IAF Compound
Music: Ready For It, Artist: Taylor Swift Choreography by Brian Friedman IAF, December 2017 Filmed by: Chehon WespiTschopp, Edited by: Brian Friedman Group 1: Charlize Glass, Kaycee Rice Maycee Steele Group 2: Sean Lew Trinity Inay Group 3: Madelyne Spang, Macy Swaim Effie Tutko Group 4: Peyton Albrecht, Matthew Smith, Lucas Parada Jake McAuley Emiliano Jimenez Group 5: Riley Groot, Ari Libertore Jessica Richens Follow everywhere BrianFriedman, BrianFriedmanChoreography, BFreeGlobal, TeamFriedman, MasterOfDance Who is Brian Friedman During the first 15 years of his career, Brian Friedman was nominated 4 times at the MTV Video Music Awards, 2 times at the Music Video Production Awards, and 5 times at the American Choreography Awards for outsta