BAND MAID Documentary, KANAMI 日本語字幕
Previous Documentary about SAIKI : After Saiki, let s talk about her biggest fan : Kanami. This time, we will take you into a new journey with our favorite lead guitarist from her early days until today. Kasper will take you to a journey into the life of Kanami and how she became this incredible guitarist, songwriter and how she joined BANDMAID. You will also have a part dedicated to her play style with our special guests : the GAIJIN GUYS Credits Voiceover by Kasper Michaels Script by Kasper Michaels Ohrenje Video production by Ohrenje Breakin New Gate Production logo by santivill With the participation of the GAIJIN GUYS Wave Potter The Champ Of Medium Dicodec Ryan Mear Japanese subtitles by nairOn Russian subtitles by exDemonius Spanish subtitles by CarpeNoctem Portuguese subtitles by nan German subtitles by frunck and Domretto BANDMAID Communi