Youth America Grand Prix 2023 Finals Junior Silver Medalist Yuzuki Okubo Age 13 Coppelia
Yuzuki Okubo, Age 13, from Ballerina School (Japan) performs Variation from Coppelia at the YAGP 2023 Finals, where she won the Silver Medal in the Junior Age Division. , ballet, dance, art, ballerina, artist, contest, competition, yagp, variations, winner For more info please visit: DONATE: INSTAGRAM: TIKTOK: FACEBOOK: LINKEDIN: TWITTER: YAGP COMMUNITY INSTAGRAM: YGP JAPAN INSTAGRAM: YGP KOREA INSTAGRAM: YGP BRAZIL INSTAGRAM: YGP ITALY INSTAGRAM: YGP MEXICO INSTAGRAM: YGP INDONESIA INSTAGRAM: YGP ARGENTINA INSTAGRAM: YGP PHILIPPINES INSTAGRAM: YGP UKRAINE INSTAGRAM: YGP ISRAEL INSTAGRAM: