Should I Stop Recycling , One Small Step
The news keeps telling us that our recycling system isnt working and even One Small Step host Lucy Biggers is starting to have her doubts. So we asked the experts: Is recycling still worth it Subscribe to NowThis Earth: Sign up for our newsletter KnowThis to get the biggest stories of the day delivered straight to your inbox: Is recycling really beyond hope And what s with the plastic numbers at the bottom of our bottles how do we get them straight We talk to several experts with different perspectives on our recycling system: Kristy Drutman of browngirlgreen; Cole Rosengren, a senior editor for Waste Dive; and Judith Enck, the founder of Beyond Plastics. , Recycling, OneSmallStep, Earth, Environment, Science, NowThis Connect with NowThis Subscribe to NowThis News: Like us on Facebook: Tweet us on Twitter: Follow us on Inst