Recently Azami has become more of a liability to her OWN TEAM than to helping prevent the attacking team from reaching the objective. Today I duo queued with sikez and encountered hilarious randoms. Ranked really becomes cut throat when your team doesn t want to lose again. There will always be that one person who decides to IGL the team from the BOTTOM of the leaderboard. Whether they end up salty and toxic or play it Regardless, I find it hilarious playing with randoms and actually quite enjoy the experience due to the fact each team brings new personalities and chemistry. I think it makes for a more enjoyable time so long as you arent just losing every single game. Enjoy these funny moments in operation demon veil. Other Roy Content: Daily Roy VLOG CONTENT Mor Roy VARIETY CONTENT How to get my charm: 1. Link your Ubisoft account to Twitch account here: 2. Subscribe at 3. The charm will automatically appear in y