Percy Faith Summer Place 76 (Оркестр Перси Фейса) LP 1975
1975, Columbia KC 33915, Мелодия С 60139612 (LP) Percy Faith Summer Place 76 (Оркестр Перси Фейса) full album A1 Summer Place 76 (The Theme From A Summer Place ) WrittenBy M. Steiner A2 Feelings, Чувства WrittenBy M. Albert A3 Ding Dong WrittenBy P. Faith A4 Maybe September, Может Быть Сентябрь WrittenBy J. Livingston R. Evans, P. Faith A5 Soleado WrittenBy Zacar B1 Dream Your Dream, Мечтай WrittenBy A. Broadbent B2 Sha Bumpin WrittenBy T. Camillo B3 Saddest Thing Of All, Самое Печальное WrittenBy C. Sigman, Barclay, M. LeGrand, Delanoe B4 La Balanga WrittenBy C. Morgan B5 Send In The Clowns, Клоуны WrittenBy S. Sondheim Arranged By Alan Broadbent (tracks: B1) Arranged By, Conductor Percy Faith Design Cover, Illustration Anne Garner Engineer Ray Gerhardt Producer Ted Glasser Vocals Leslie Kendall (tracks: A4, B3) Recorded at A