Achilles Last Run Team Cheever: Episode 9
SNOWANDFLY. project: SNOWANDFLY. public: SNOWANDFLY. club: SPECIAL EPISODE This episode isn t your normal Team Cheever Episode. For starters it is thirteen minutes long, so go brew some coffee and watch this while you are having breakfast. Scratch that, you probably want to wait until you are done eating because of the graphic content. As you may know, I ruptured my Achilles tendon. Brett was allowed in the OR to film. This lengthy episode has a few interviews, a handmade sweater provided by Lotte Stiberg, surgery on my Achilles tendon and no snowboarding at all. None. Although the recovery is long, I should be fine. Achilles injuries would only take down that wuss Brad Pitt in the movie Troy. I ll be fine. Cheever br, br,