Putin Faces Major Threat to Absolute Grip on Power in Russia. Bloomberg interview
НАСТОЯЩИЙ МАТЕРИАЛ (ИНФОРМАЦИЯ) ПРОИЗВЕДЕН, РАСПРОСТРАНЕН И (ИЛИ) НАПРАВЛЕН ИНОСТРАННЫМ АГЕНТОМ ШУЛЬМАН ЕКАТЕРИНОЙ МИХАЙЛОВНОЙ, ЛИБО КАСАЕТСЯ ДЕЯТЕЛЬНОСТИ ИНОСТРАННОГО АГЕНТА ШУЛЬМАН ЕКАТЕРИНЫ МИХАЙЛОВНЫ Putin Faces Major Threat to Absolute Grip on Power in Russia June 26th, 2023, 2:13 PM GMT+0200 Vladimir Putin managed to avert an attack on Moscow with an eleventhhour deal with his mutinous mercenary commander Evgeny Prigozhin. But the uprising has pierced his aura of strength, stability and total political control over Russia says Ekaterina Schulmann, Associate fellow at Chatham House, currently based in Berlin. It showed how fragile Putin s authoritarian regime really is, she told Bloomberg s Kriti Gupta and Tom Mackenzie on Bloomberg Surveillance: Early (Source: Bloomberg) Для сотрудничества Подпис