Venereal interpreted Synapsyche ( Industrial Dance)
WARNING: Do not watch if you are a strict believer beside the fact its not blasphemy and I dont want to offend anyone I respect any religion. THIS IS JUST AN ART PROJECT. In Austria today is a religious is there any better time to upload sth like this XD irony, naughty thoughts off For those who like my naughty, dark side video clips, youre welcome :) It was great fun and kinda badass to shoot this weekend. .. I had this sequences always in my mind when listening to this great catchy song from Synapsyche, one of my most loved bands Lean back on the dark side, hope you enjoy; ) xxx Miss Evil Thumbnail: picture by M. O Dancing editing: Miss Evil Camera, light and partner in crime: M. O Camera: iPhone8 Editors App: InShot (full version)