Vineyards of Judea and Samaria I AM ISRAEL Movie Clip
Get the DVD: Meet Yaakov Berg and explore Israel s beautiful vineyards in this clip from the film, I Am Now on DVD, Bluray Digital Download, I Am Israel is an epic film which will take you on a soaring journey through the Land of the Bible, and introduce you to Jewish men and women whose very lives are a testimony to the promises of God. I Am Israel is narrated by award winning actor John RhysDavies, best known for his roles in the Indiana Jones and Lord of the Rings series. Filmed in crystal clear 4K, and directed by awardwinning documentary filmmaker David Kiern, I Am Israel brings to life the inspirational story of Israel like youve never seen before. Facebook: Instagram: Directed by David Kiern Narrated by John RhysDavies Original Score by Bob Farnsworth