Britain By Jove Programme 4 Reel 1 (1960 1969)
Mid 1960s Title sequence quick shots of Union Jack flag intercut with b, w stills of ventriloquist dummy Lord Charles, posing as Lord of the Manor. Title card Britain By Jove with coat of arms showing two elephants, pint of beer, two bottles of champagne and Semper Inebriate. With Ray Alan and Lord Charles Also Roddy MaudeRoxby as Cavendish. Reel 1. Footage cuts between (dummy) Lord Charles on a barge on the River Thames (rural area), Ray Alan (ventriloquist) in the studio describing Lord Charles progress on his journey (presumably around Britain in this soupedup travelogue) and their chauffeur, Cavendish, who is trying to fix the car that Lord Charles sabotaged so he could get rid of Cavendish because he s a selfopinionated oaf. Lord Charles witters on about his glorious arrival in London, wearing an ermine cape and crown at one point, as if he s a king. Cavendish gives us some facts about the River Thames. Footage of people in boats on the Thames at Oxford, looking up at a churc