Everything Nicola Peltz Beckham Eats In A Day, Food Diaries, Harpers BAZAAR
Lavender lattes changed this talented young actress mornings forever but it s not every day you stumble upon a cute cafe in Napa Valley. So, like most, Nicola Peltz Beckham turns to Starbucks for her daily caffeine fix instead. Nicola fuels her days with a bunch of delicious snacks, from candy and chips to dates and a salad it s important to remember eating is all about balance. Watch along to see what Nicola s new hubby, Brooklyn, cooks for her, the inconvenient times hunger strikes, and her alcoholmasking martini of choice. Follow Nicola on IG: , NicolaPeltzBeckham, FoodDiaries, BAZAAR Don t miss out on the latest mustsee video , , ABOUT BAZAAR, , Sophisticated, elegant and provocative, Harper s BAZAAR is your source for everything beauty and skincare, and the latest fashion trends straight from the runway. We ve showcased the visions of legendary editors, photographers and stylists proudly since 1867.