The Dark Side of Antarctica 2
The Dark Side of Antarctica 2 This was not just about Byrd. There are several other reports of pilots who saw flat discshaped UFOs chasing them, even though they were not shot at. These pilots also reported how their planes were being followed by balls of light. Yet, even though these UFOs, which the pilots called foo fighters, didnt attack them, it somehow was able to disable the pilots plane bombing capabilities. According to the United States, all these didnt happen. Only one plane crashed, killing 3 pilots. If this were true, was that why the expedition was canceled And, lets say it wasnt true. Who was behind those UFOs Could it have been the German or were those extraterrestrial There seemed to be more to Antarctica, any way you look at it. Speaking of extraterrestrials, the more Antarctica is examined, the more the mysteries that crop up. An example is the huge electromagnetic anomaly that was detected by NASA satellites in 2006. This anomaly wasnt lying on the surface either. It was buried