Axel F, Popcorn Played On Keyboard
Hi Let me start by saying the Axle F song is a bit of a challenge to play with two hands. (as half my hair is torn out during the learning process ) There are mistakes and it might not be the right notes but overall I think it sounds allright. I ll let you be the judge. The popcorn song is a whole lot easyer to play, and if you got a keyboard play it because it s fun. I hope my video encourages some people to play it. THANK YOU all nice people for your comments, rates, favoriting, and subscriptions. Oh yeah anybody wants to buy a dgx220 Half the new price, and I got some demo videos on it : ) It looks like I will not be needing it. Cheers and thanks again Notes: Left hand Axel F. : F, F D, ,D, ,C, D,, F (lower)F, F, F, D,, D,, C, D,, F, C,, C, F, D,, C, A, repeat. Right hand: F, G, F, F, A,, F, D,, F, C, F, F, C,, C, G,, F, C, (higher)F, (lower)F, D,, D,, C, G, (or G I play G, ) F. Popcorn right hand basics not the whole thing: br, br,