Cotton Vanilla Sponge Cake, The Softest Sponge Cake Ever
Cotton Vanilla Sponge Cake, The Softest Sponge Cake Ever Easy Recipe ASMREating SoundCooking Sound AN IDEAL CAKE to make for every occasion Facebook: IG: Tiktok: Recipe: Ingredient: (For 16cm round mold) 3 medium sized eggs 45g cake flour 30g cornstarch 45g whole milk 30g vegetable oil 66g granulated sugar 1, 2 tsp vanilla extract (can be omitted) 1, 3 tsp cream of tartar (can be omitted or replaced by 1, 3 tsp lime juice) Note: If you use allpurpose flour, the amount of flour and cornstarch should be equal, each 10cm round pan: 1 egg (1, 3 recipe) 1415cm round pan: 2 eggs (2, 3 recipe) 16cm round pan: 3 eggs (1 recipe) 1820cm round pan: 4 eggs (4, 3 recipe) 22cm round pan: 5 eggs (5, 3 recipe) 23cm round pan: 6 eggs (2 recipes) Special thank to Sukie s Kitchen Enjoy, 33