Shrooms on N313 Soviet oscilloscope
This is a song by Jerobeam Fenderson, played through an oscilloscope in XY display. This song is specifically made to draw visuals when displayed in xy, while also sounding semi musical. If you want to reproduce it just connect the left and right audio channels to a scope s XY (ch1, ch2) inputs and set it to XY. Then play the original track or even this video through it, and you will see the same real time drawings. The creator of the track and the original song : Jerobeam Fenderson Shrooms , jerobeamfenderson1 For those asking, yes, the N313 cannot display in XY by default. You have to modify it by adding a switch to disconnect the internal time base and replace it with the channel 2 input signal. You also have to add circuitry for matching, setting gain and attenuation. Unfortunately I can longer help with how to do that as I no longer have the scope.