Humans Music Ambience Warcraft III
After nearly thirteen years of peace, the rumors of war began to circulate once again. The Kings agents reported that a young, upstart warchief had arisen and rallied the few remaining orc clans into an elite fighting force. The young warchief was intent on tearing down the internment camps and freeing his people from their bondage. The new horde as it was dubbed, had brazenly attacked the northern city of Stratholme in an attempt to rescue one of its captured warriors. The horde even destroyed Durnholde the fortress that oversaw the security of the internment camps and murdered the officers who ran it. King Terenas sent Uther and his paladins to quell the warchiefs uprising, but the crafty orcs could never be found. The young warchief proved to be something of a tactical genius and evaded Uthers best efforts to corral his hit and run attacks. Amidst the strain of the new orc uprising, King Terenas was disturbed to hear ill news on another front. Rumor held that a number of supposed death cults