Outlander s Sam Heughan Just Might Have an Online Dating Profile, This Guy, In Style
As we eagerly await the next episode of Outlander, Sam Heughan sits down with InStyle to talk about all things Jamie Fraser, his awardwinning collab with El Tequileño, and why your 40s are the best years. He also reflects upon why he cant get Dua Lipa out of his head, the movie that made him cry on an airplane, and the ways in which he embodies Taurus energy. Plus, he reveals whether or not he still has an online dating profile. Check out Sam Heughan s InStyle Story: , SamHeughan, Outlander, JamieFraser, Interview, ThisGuy, InStyle 0:00 Introduction 0:22 Similarities With Jamie Fraser 0:45 Hardest Thing About Filming 1:10 Outlander Book Series vs Show 1:35 Jamie and Claires Love Story 2:10 Outlander Fan Reactions 2:34 Common Misconception 2:51 Free Time 3:04 Astrology 3:52 Coffee Order 4:10 Sassenach Spirits 4:45 Last Time You Cried 5:13 Being in Your 40s 5:43 Bes