Crazy EX Boyfriend Struggles, , Funny Relationship Situations by Teen Z Like
SUBSCRIBE TO MY CHANNEL TO SUPPORT ME: Turn on the Notification Bell , teenz, funny, school 00:00 STRONG OR NOT 01:03 I MPRESSING YOUR CRUSH 01:58 LOVE AT THE HOSPITAL 02:25 STRAIGHT INTO THE HEART 03:59 FALSE FOR LOVE 04:23 STREET FIGHTER 05:15 COUPLE VS. COUPLE 06:11 RETALIATION 07:35 SECRET WITH THE SURPRISE 07:58 LUVBOY IS A COWARD 08:18 AGENT 006 08:47 FAKE FRIENDS 09:52 MISSION FAILED Isnt it AWESOME to have a boyfriend Being in love and having a nice time are the most important relationship goals But what if you still can t forget your ex What I REALLY know is that you gonna laugh watching teenz get into funny situations with their crazy exes :) Hurry up to watch the NEW EPISODE of TeenZ Like Music by Epidemic Sound: