N7 Day: Mass Effect Cast Crew Reunion
From 11am PST 1pm PST join the cast of Mass Effect as we celebrate N7 Day Also head over to Streamily for autographs Ash Sevilla, Host, Moderator Twitter: NerdAppropriate Instagram: AshSevilla Facebook: Website: Patrick Weekes Senior Writer at BioWare Twitter: PatrickWeekes Website: Karin Weekes Senior Editor at BioWare Twitter: KarinWeekes Caroline Livingstone Creative Performance Director at BioWare Twitter: Cablivingstone Jennifer Hale voice of, Commander Shephard Twitter: jhaletweets Instagram: jhalegram Mark Meer voice of, Commander Shephard Twitter: MarkMeer Instagram: Courtenay Taylor voice of, Jack Twitter: CourtenayTaylor Instagram: CourtenayTaylorLA Website: , Kimberly Brooks voice of, Ashley Williams Twitter