Universal is Earth, Wind, Fire, Water, Ether
Once and future King, the international committee of television global are murders with espionage electronics of hope and Eternity. Faces appear across solar system on Mars and Solaris, not only clouds of Earth. No monkey innuendo slave language honored ever, but your Governments wish your selves false hopes and fake dreams as the Committee assassins rape and lobotomize the flesh of Jesus and Elijah. Your cruel Governments wish outer space impressed with the modern mind control electronics version of ancient possession called legion, outer space hates your Governments God hates your Governments. Your Governments does not impress outer space with your fake digital graphics, Gene Allen Cleary s face of God in sky is real and Gene Cleary tornadoes and lightening strikes real. Gene s spiritual angel guardians are real. God and outer space communicate with Gene. Your no good Governments rather cheat good kind Gene, and use wrong voices of th