One Tool for Stripping all Types of Wires
One Tool for Stripping all Types of Wires. Hello everyone, dear friends, in this video I will show you how to make 3 tools that will make the process of stripping copper wires easier. I appreciate your support, I will be very glad if you subscribe to my channel and like this video. , copper, stripper, cable Best Tool to Clean Copper Wires from Insulation. In this video I will show you how to make devices for stripping copper wires and cables, this machine will help you easily remove insulation from any copper wire, You can make this machine with your own hands, easily and simply from almost improvised means. This is the simplest cable stripper and you can easily clean large quantities of copper cables in a short time. This is the simplest machine for cleaning copper wires, even a child can make it. How to make a copper wire stripper, how to make a m br, br,