Za horami za dolami Slovak Military Folk Song
Za horami za dolami tam vojáci lagruju. Pán kapitán s lajtinantom kompanie spisúju. Kompania je spísaná len po tristo štirmujú a vojáci švárny chlapci kanistre si pakujú. Moja torba spakovaná už aj leži na stole. Prines mi ju moja milá, prines mi ju pred dvere. The Soldiers are dabbling behind the mountains and valleys. Captain with lieutenant record companies. Company is recorded. They report about three hundred (men) and the nice boys soldiers are packing their bottles. My baggage is packed and it is already lying on the table. Bring it to me my dear, leave it at front of the door. Patreon: horami za dolami Slovak Military Folk Song Za horami za dolami tam vojáci lagruju. Pán kapitán s lajtinantom kompanie spisúju. Kompania je spísaná len po tristo štirmujú a vojáci švárn